Friday, July 5, 2013

A Faith Perspective on Health Care Reform and Poverty

Listen to this full length broadcast of Rick Chamiec-Case talking about A Faith Perspective on Health Care Reform and Poverty originally recorded on 9/7/2012.

Podcast Summary: This presentation will focus on how social workers of faith can tap the resources of their faith to inform their thinking about health care reform and health care provision. In particular, it will focus on how the principle of solidarity, drawn from Catholic social teaching, as well as a biblical understanding of what it means to be "our brother's keeper."

The full audio was originally published as the July 2013 Podcast of the Month. Join today to gain access to this and other great resources.

A Christian Perspective on Self-Care for the Social Worker

Listen to this sample of Lanny Endicott talking about A Christian Perspective on Self-Care for the Social Worker originally recorded on 11/28/2011. Twenty minute audio samples of NACSW podcasts are available to anyone while the full length podcast is available only to members.

Podcast Summary: This podcast speaks to the social worker's potential for developing secondary trauma (compassion fatigue) when working with hurting and traumatized people. When left unaddressed, secondary trauma can contribute to professional impairment and burnout. 

Participants will be provided with information on secondary trauma and burnout, self-assessment tools, and a variety of self-care strategies informed by a Christian perspective.

The full audio was originally published as the May 2013 Podcast of the Month. Join today to gain access to this and other great resources.

Social Justice & Human Righst: the Case for Religious Persecution

Listen to this full length broadcast of David Hodge  talking about Social Justice & Human Rights originally recorded on 10/21/2011.

Podcast Summary:
Human rights are a fundamental social justice concern that is grounded in the NASW Code of Ethics and international human rights protocols. Despite widespread philosophical support for the notion of human rights on the international stage, advocacy for the right to religious freedom has received little attention, helping fuel a global rise in religious prosecution.

This lecture helps participants challenge social injustice on behalf of persecuted people people of faith. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities associated with advocating for the human right of religious freedom. 

The full audio was originally published as the April 2013 Podcast of the Month. Join today to gain access to this and other great resources.

Spiritually Sensitive Crisis Intervention With HIV-infected Individuals

Listen to this sample of Allison Tan  talking about Spiritually Sensitive Crisis Intervention With HIV-infected Individuals originally recorded on 2/27/12. Twenty minute audio samples of NACSW podcasts are available to anyone while the full length podcast is available only to members.

Podcast Summary: This podcast will consider the current state of the HIV epidemic in America and how it affects the work social workers will likely encounter with HIV-infected and affected clients. After reviewing the history of the HIV epidemic, this workshop will focus on crisis intervention work - emphasizing the most common crises HIV-infected and affected individuals face. Utilizing both the available literature on crisis work with HIV-positive clients and the facilitator's own practice experience, the content of this workshop will cover the range of reactions and life experiences common to HIV-infected and affects individuals - including the ways in which an HIV diagnosis can impact his or her questions of religion and spirituality. Workshop participants will be able to better anticipate the ways in which their social work practice may intersect with HIV-positive clients in crisis and what can be done to help them - socially, medically, and spiritually.

The full audio was originally published as the March 2013 Podcast of the Month. Join today to gain access to this and other great resources.